Sunday, February 24, 2008

High School Reunion

A few years ago on VH1 or MTV or some channel like that they showed a couple of short series called High School Reunion, the premise was to get like 15 ppl from a graduating year from the early-mid 90‘s and put them in a huge house in Hawaii and watch the week long reunion unfold, u had the prom queen/jocks/cheerleaders, the fat/ugly girls or guys, the bully/bullied, the now gay guys/girls, the high school sweethearts, the shy/weird/smart guys/girls, the sluts/prudes well u get the picture, pretty much a representation from all the clicks, anyways these shows were riveting, their reunion was almost like watching ones own as it made u think about what happened to the various ppl and clicks in your own class (luckily most of us have reunion sites that help us in finding info)....but the show was so interesting to see how much or how little some of them had changed, and also some had unfinished business they needed to attend to like unrequited love/crushes, as well as big show downs between the clicks on various past issues on the drama,drama drama that went down way back when or even confronting how they had been treated by a particular group or person, so definitely an interesting show to see, btw at the end of the week/reunion they had another prom, a chance to put things right, and relive I guess some of their most happier memories. It was also a fitting end to the anyways a few months ago I found out that my old high school was having a reunion this March not so much for my class but for all classes from the last 50 although I thought about it, and seeing my old school haunts would be fun and possibly meeting with old friends and crushes would be even more fun...I’ve decided against it for various reasons plus it doesn’t help that I live in a whole other country....but it was fun to think about for awhile...and I just wanted to know if anyone out there had ever gone back to their reunion and what it was like?

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